Blunder Twin Powers Activate, How Ezra Miller and Jason Momoa are Tag-Teaming the Destruction of the DCEU
3 years agoon

“Form of a string of douchey statements. Shape of a career killing series of events.” –the Blunder Twins.
The actual Wonder Twins movie was just canceled, which is a win as they are the worst characters ever and there was zero reason for a movie about them. Batgirl was also canceled after filming was complete, and with respect to the “Afro-Latina” woman who was set to play her Batgirl didn’t need a race swap. The problem is that inventing new characters takes talent, so leftists take the easy way out and ruin existing characters to push their agenda instead (more below).
It would be just as racist to recast ‘The Jeffersons’ TV show with a completely race swapped cast (so for example Mr. Bentley would become a dimwit black British man). Imagine the left’s sky screaming over that! We know it bothered us when the 20th Century Fox X-Men movies took away Halle Berry’s ‘African’ accent as Storm after the first movie. We also thought Iman (model, actress, and widow of singer and actor David Bowie) would have played the character perfectly, and the accent was ‘baked in’.

So the DCEU is failing and it is because the old regime at Warner Bros. made decisions to green light things like those AND also tried to rush the beginning development part (compressing it into just a few movies instead of building it out properly), AND tried to be the MCU. The new owners at Discovery are trying to fix the mess, but not being content with the pace of the downward trip a few cast members are trying to speed up the journey.
Ironically, it isn’t Ben Affleck’s fault. And while we aren’t a fan of his (and we can’t stand his politics, obviously, but he isn’t putting them into his Bruce Wayne/Batman), those who criticized his performances as Batman were way off base. He was playing a slightly younger variation of the Frank Miller ‘Dark Knight Returns’ version of a grittier Batman who had retired but was forced back into action. For that he did just fine, and the battle with Superman was lifted (minus Green Arrow and a female Robin) from that story.

Also escaping blame is Henry Cavill who was unceremoniously dismissed by the OLD regime at DC / Warner Bros. (he was supposed to shoot a closing credits scene for Shazam! which they still shot with a body double, not showing the character’s face) and also did well as Superman. He was recently asked to come back by the new owners, and rumor is he said…no. Hopefully it is untrue. Also, that guy is so cool he builds his own desktop computers. We even skimmed a video once just to see how he did putting thermal paste on his CPU. The guy is a pro. Another rumor is that he might get James Bond, which would be a wise choice. Meanwhile, known racist communist Ta-Nehisi Coates was hired by the old owners to work on a ‘black superman'[SIC] concept. Again, invent your own character fucknuts, stop screwing up other people’s work you no talent buffoon.

Without getting in to all of the details, Ray Fisher (Cyborg) made a lot of accusations against Joss Whedon (in a nutshell, abusive behavior on set) after he replaced Zack Snyder (family death) on Justice League, and based on the many accusations against Whedon by people who worked with him on other projects (such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer on TV), we believe Ray. The old WB regime ‘looked into it’ and did nothing. Hopefully, the new owners at Discovery will take another look as it would be a shame if Fisher was left out of future projects (as he was apparently cut out of The Flash script).

We don’t really have anything too negative to say about the lovely Gal Gadot and we did promote her when others were criticizing her Wonder Woman CASTING, saying then that she would be placed on the proper diet and workout regimen and she would do fine, while others said she was far too rail thin to ever pull it off. Point Shed. We will say that we can “Imagine” movies without her.
The first Wonder Woman movie was good although it did (AGAIN) race swap some Amazonians whose mythology was tied to Greece and the Greeks, but that has nothing to do with Gadot herself. Then we heard the sequel ‘Wonder Woman 1984’ had a Trump caricature as the villain so we passed on seeing it (it bombed, but they are making a third one anyway). Someone needs to inform Gal that ‘feminism’ and ‘feminine’ are NOT the same thing. She was quoted as saying “Every woman, every man, everyone should be a feminist. Because whoever is not a feminist is a sexist,…” which is the most misandristic drivel ever. Nobody we know is anti-woman, except feminists. And THAT is why we won’t fight their trans in women’s sports battle for them. They did that to themselves.

So the cracks are starting to show a little, but the real issues remain. And we move on to Jason Momoa, AKA race swap Aquaman. We just discovered by researching this that there is even an #NotMyAuthurCurry movement (as in the comic book he was a blond-haired white man). The second Aquaman movie is due out March 17, 2023, and leftist dolt Momoa was just quoted saying the quiet part out loud. He said that the goal of both movies is about being “able to bring awareness of what is happening to our planet” and that the sequel will follow in the footsteps of its predecessor to deliver a ‘climate change allegory’. We appreciate him doing this now, so we all have plenty of warning time and can avoid paying for another lecture.
Not to be outdone by Jason’s propaganda mission or Gal’s attitude towards men, the actor behind The Flush, uhm Flash*, has sped around the world setting records for police interaction and creepy behavior.
Ezra Miller is a freak and a communist and likely belongs in prison. His worst offense is grooming kids, the first of which is still going on. In that case the parents (an attorney and a pediatrician) have accused Ezra of grooming their child (labeled as an “activist”) since the child was 12 years old. It is confusing as to whether the ‘then child, now adult’ is a boy pretending to be a girl or a girl pretending to be a boy (either way = DNA denier), but regardless Ezra is a fucking creep. I won’t name the family, but at one point they went so far as to involve Ezra’s MOTHER and friends, and even Warner Bros (old owners, not Discovery) to intervene, but those then backed out of “intervention efforts”.
The parents called it “cult-like and psychologically manipulative, controlling behavior” and a “pattern of corrupting a minor”, and accused Miller of giving their child drugs and alcohol. Ezra even paid for the child to attend college at 16 but also traveled around the country with them, and a lot of the stops were the places he had other run-ins with the law. It seems reminiscent of the movie ‘Lolita’ (original or remake).
Reports say a judge has already signed off on the parents’ request and Miller cannot have contact with or harass their family (including their child) and is not allowed within 100 yards of their home. The court had a hearing scheduled for July 2022 but hadn’t been able to locate Miller or the child, so they couldn’t serve him the order.
There were also a string of other incidents involving him, including:
• marijuana possession in Pittsburgh, changed to two disorderly conduct citations
• video footage shows him choking a woman at a bar in Iceland
• arrest on disorderly conduct and harassment charges in Hawaii
• in that same month he also burst into a couple’s bedroom and threatened them in Hawaii
• then the next month a suspicion of assault charge was filed in Hawaii (he threw a chair which hit a woman in the head)
• then grooming a totally different 12 year old in Massachusetts, threatening that child’s family while they were in a neighbor’s home with Miller present. Ezra got into a fight over the origin of the board game Parcheesi and opened his coat to show a gun, saying to said neighbor “Talking like that could get you into a really serious situation.” Unlike the other child this one was uncomfortable and upset. A judge granted them an order of protection.
• then he hosted a 25 year old mom and her three kids (ages 1-5) at his farm in Vermont. Pray for them! The youngest found a bullet lying around and had it in their mouth.
• he abused a woman he had been friends with for 2 years while in her Berlin, Germany apartment (they had had one prior consensual sexual encounter, per her).
• just a few days ago (August 8, 2022) he was hit with a felony burglary charge in Vermont for an incident from May 1, 2022, he didn’t follow through on it properly.

Warner Bros is now weighing whether to release ‘The Flash’ or eat the $200 million cost to date (and has a real mess on their hands as Ezra is also part of their ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them’ franchise too). But we at the Shed have an out for the new Discovery owned Warner Bros, and offer same for free — release the movie with an apology at the front, in the middle and at the end. Something like this:
“This movie is the product of the work of many people. One person has tried to ruin it for all, and unfortunately we can’t edit him out because he is in every scene, nor can we do re-shoots which would basically mean starting completely over. He has already been paid, and we are going to lose money anyway so we are releasing this for the ten’s of people who still want to see it in an effort to recoup some of our money. We promise to never work with him again. Pinky swear. –Warner Bros. Discovery”
They could then shoot a scene using the multi-verse aspects of the DCEU to swap out Miller (killing his Flash variation) and bringing in a Flash from another reality (say they survive their own dimension being destroyed). That will work. You still have a Flash and Miller is GONE!
So the Blunder Twins (mainly Ezra) used their abilities to, Momoa = shoot himself in his movie-shaped foot with his own words (#BoycottAquaman2) and Ezra = shoot himself in his career shaped foot via a series of events he could have easily avoided by being normal. Together they are sinking the DCEU, yet they fly around the world filming and promoting movies, then pretend to make it all better by protesting an observatory being built in Hawaii.
The Snyder Cut of Justice League was long but enjoyable. It would be nice to see the 5 movies he envisioned being completed (with 2 left to be made). From the JL group, Henry appears to be the most normal one by a mile, has done nothing wrong and doesn’t deserve the grief the old WB gave him. Maybe that is why it is rumored that after not wanting to leave and then asking to come back at some point, he is now willing to walk away. Perhaps the Bond series awaits.
*could not get the strikethrough to look right.
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Parler is likely gone for good as of April 14, 2023.
Twitter account abandoned May 12, 2023, after Elon Musk hired WEF’er Linda Yaccarino as new CEO.
NOTE: We post new content regularly, and have a Comment section here in the shed (below every article), so please use it and help build the Reality community. If you enjoy our work please consider supporting Reality by using the “DonorBox” donation link, or the ‘Buy Me a Coffee‘ donation link…or both. Either way please bookmark us and help spread the word to family and friends. Thank you.
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‘Taking a Kaep’, More Bewildering Nonsense From Feces-Obsessed Sports Host & Lawyer AND White Communist Mike Florio
1 year agoon
September 29, 2023
We have stated before that writing about the same subject more than once in a row is kind of boring, but we’ve done it before anyway. We even once wrote on the same basic topic for FOUR days in a row (HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE).
And sure enough, he lied to get that position and hasn’t followed through on his promises (including releasing the J6 videos, despite leaks proving what the left claim happened in fact did not). But that is a topic for another time.

Today we are (sort of) “Groundhog Day’ing” Mike Florio (just dealt with HERE), while mainly focusing on the ‘anti-Rick Monday‘, Colin Kaepernick (covered prior HERE).
Colin was “28-30 as a starter for his career, and was 3-16 in his last two seasons”. That is NOT a great track record, and the often derided Tim Tebow was actually 8-6.

While correctly admitting that Colin’s NFL career was over, unless someone decides to take a deep dive into both insanity and communism, Florio attributed it to the wrong cause.
The headline was “It’s over for Colin Kaepernick, and it has been”, which on its face sounds reasonable, but as is so often true, ‘the devil is in the details’.

Colin played his last game in the NFL on Saturday, January 2, 2017 (the last regular season game for the 49ers during the 2016 season; Mike claimed the game was played on New Year’s day), leading a 23-25 losing effort against the Seattle Seahawks, ending their season at 2-14.
One leftist search engine doesn’t even list him as a football player. Instead they label him as an “American civil rights activist”, which is code for someone who pushes communism, as nobody right of center is even labeled that, even people championing the 2nd Amendment (because self-defense is the ultimate civil right).

But with the new ‘New York Jets’ QB Aaron Rodgers’ season-ending Achilles injury, Colin decided to both have his agent contact the team, and then when he didn’t hear back he wrote them a letter himself.
After not hearing back for 5 days, the letter was ‘leaked’, obviously by Colin’s camp, in an effort to shame the Jets into replying.
Mike correctly states that “The fact that so much time has passed since he last played…makes it even less likely that anyone will give him a chance.” before then going off of the rails, adding that “It has simply been too long. It has been too long in part because the NFL successfully colluded against and blackballed Kaepernick.”

Colin had a player option for 2017 worth $14.5 MILLION and rejected it. He thought that he could both stay in the league AND make more money by doing so, and he was wrong. So nobody colluded, Colin just fraked himself.
Mike concludes with “That’s the end of the story. The NFL wanted him out. The NFL kept him out. And now, it’s far too long for Kaepernick to get back in.” In Mike’s world, no leftist is ever responsible for their own actions, but it is ALL Colin’s own fault.
But with no NFL team willing to deal with his commie nonsense, he still has options. The British Columbia Lions of the CFL (Canadian Football League) have added Colin to their ‘negotiation list’, although that doesn’t mean anything if he is unwilling to play in Canuckia.

A quick aside: it might bring in more leftist sponsor dollars, but what that meme above alludes to was uncalled for.
Contrast that to recently reading (and we highly recommend them all): ‘Harpo Speaks!’ by Harpo Marx, ‘Speaking of Harpo’ by Susan Fleming Marx (his wife), and ‘Son of Harpo Speaks!’ by William ‘Bill’ Woollcott Marx (his son), along with ‘The Garden of Allah’ by Sheilah Graham (which details life at a now long-gone famous hotel that famous people lived when in when in the Hollywood area, and which is named after the 2nd owner, silent film star Alla Nazimova and NOT the middle-eastern 1400-year-old death cult founder, although after she sold it they added the H to the end, which upset her greatly).
Those can all be found in the archive that Anna runs…
We told you all of that to tell you this…Harpo and Susan couldn’t have children because of a hysterectomy she had in her 20’s for medical reasons, so they adopted all 4 of their children, beginning with Bill, and then adding Alex, Jimmy and Minnie several years later. Those kids appreciated that they were chosen!
But Colin, whose birth parents were a white mother and black father “whose identity is unknown” (despite them knowing he was “of Ghanaian, Nigerian, and Ivorian ancestry”), is simply ungrateful to his adoptive parents, who are both white.

Had Colin spent more time on football (especially in those last couple of seasons), and less time on communism, then the 49ers would likely have won at least a few more games.
And now, since he likes doing it to other people and things (America, the NFL, 49ers, and his parents, to name just a few), in addition to crap, poop, deuce, shit, number two, and BM, we add ‘Kaep’ to the list of ways to describe taking a dump.
Feces-Obsessed Sports Host & Lawyer Goes Off Script, Nobody Cares About Your White Communist Politics Mike Florio!!
1 year agoon
September 28, 2023
So we were minding our own business, running some searches, and reading headlines, when we were accosted (luckily not Jim Acosta’ed) by extremism during a sweep of sports news. We don’t watch games any more, but we do still have childhood favorite teams we keep up on.
Imagine our surprise when we were suddenly told that TWITTER (we refuse to go along with that attempted re-branding, and as of this article can still access the site using that name) was filled with white people.

Yes, despite common sense and thousands of years of history proving them wrong, alt-far-left-communist-democRATs are still trying to demonize white people. How racist of them! And it has been going on since President Trump came down the escalator on June 16, 2015.
They are also still trying to demonize being a nationalist, despite that phrase simply meaning someone who loves their own country more than any others.
They have also tried to merge the two things, as if there aren’t yellow nationalists in communist China, or brown nationalists in India, or black nationalists throughout Africa.
We will also point out that neither thing (being white, OR being a nationalist) is a crime, nor is being both, no matter how much the left try to make it criminal.

So who was spreading this tired-old dis-proven mentally questionable disinformation (which is always done intentionally, as compared to misinformation which might be by accident) this time?
Just in case you weren’t paying attention, since it was listed in the headline, it was Mike ‘white communist’ Florio, a sports opinion guy and former practicing lawyer…so he should both stick to his lane AND also know better.
Why did that jackhole say? Nothing worse than he has said before, which is why we stopped listening to him long ago. But this was, literally, right in our faces, so it was impossible to ignore.
In an article where he felt the need to repeat the phrase “Twitter, now known as X” FOUR fraking times in just 1043 characters (222 words), he attacked “prominent white nationalist accounts”[SIC] for correctly calling the NFL anti-white.
All pro-sports leagues (NFL, NBA, MLB, etc.) today are anti-white and also anti-American, and have been for years. We have prior proven they are even importing players to take the jobs of Americans (regardless of race). And they have done that while also pushing Florio’s own brand of woke leftism, which includes ‘the trans‘.

He also brought up something about a Buffalo Bills player dying from ‘the vaxx‘ and being replaced by “an actor”, and while admitting that only ONE account was pushing that story, he also tried to tar many with that strange accusation.
Why? Because Florio is a ‘the covid’ disinformation AND ‘the vaxx’ pusher.
We’ve also proven that it isn’t likely that a vaccine for that could have been developed in such a short amount of time, AND that the left have pushed ‘health products’ that have been proven to harm us before…including those containing MERCURY!!!

Just like Mike, “we won’t name names or post links here”, except him because he deserves to be shamed.
Despite his love for leftist views, Florio was ‘outed’ for making comments like “”homos”, “fruits”, “queers” and “fudge packers”” on his own web site dating back to at least 2005, and only apologized in 2020 when someone went back through old articles there.
Our standard disclaimer: we don’t hate ANYONE…except communists and the communist adjacent. That said, medically mutilating children (with drugs and/or surgery), as the British say, is “right out”.
In fact, Florio is actually STILL making such comments, as he JUST referred to San Francisco 49ers quarterback Brock Purdy as “Turdy” and said he can’t be a “franchise quarterback” because his last name sounds like that word for poop.
Even known fellow ass-hat leftist Peter King called that comment “one of the silliest things I’ve ever heard.”
We guess those two aren’t dating any longer now.
Mike’s site is now an affiliate of NBC Sports, which is owned by Com(munist)cast, aka Comcast, which also owns alt-far-left NBC and alt-far-lefter MSNBC (aka PMSNBC), Universal Pictures, USA Network, Bravo, Oxygen, E!, and also the now ruined Syfy (formerly Scifi, when it was good) and the streaming service Peacock, among other things. So you can actively practice avoidance of those.
And we will add that if a dishonest mental midget like Mike can make it through Law School and pass the Bar Exam, then anyone can. So if that is of any interest to you, go for it!
You can find us on social media here:
Parler is likely gone for good as of April 14, 2023.
Twitter account abandoned May 12, 2023, after Elon Musk hired WEF’er Linda Yaccarino as new CEO.
NOTE: We post new content regularly, and have a Comment section here in the shed (below every article), so please use it and help build the Reality community. If you enjoy our work please consider supporting Reality by using the “DonorBox” donation link, or the ‘Buy Me a Coffee‘ donation link…or both. Either way please bookmark us and help spread the word to family and friends. Thank you.
I’m As Fragile As Glass…Except When Banging A Porn Star, Pelicans PF Zion Williamson Represents Pansy Marxist NBA
2 years agoon
August 2, 2023
While not writing, we did a lot of prep that we never used (writing headlines, finding or making memes, and even starting articles). Our motto is “if you think of something, type it in!”. It would be a shame if it went to waste, even if slightly dated. So one such topic is being merged with something that just happened.
Julius Erving, who just a year ago had his number officially retired across the entire NBA, recently released his all-time top 10 players list. Then he took a heap of grief for it, despite everyone being entitled to their own opinion, unless that opinion is communism (and then they are entitled to your opinion too, along with everything else you own).
“I have five guys who are untouchable – Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, Oscar Robertson, Jerry West, and Elgin Baylor. That’s my all-time best team. …I made this decision when I was 15 years old. I’m sticking with it now all these years later.”, Erving said.

More than you would think were offended that he left current players off the list. ‘Dr. J’ explained that he only chose people whose careers were over. Cue more complaints.
Make your own list folks! THIS is the result of the monolithic thought being forced on us by leftists. If you don’t agree with what they believe (most often, wrongly), you are evil. We are surprised they haven’t called Julius a ‘white nationalist’ for leaving Lebron and Steph off of his list.
He also left probably the two most dangerous players at the end of a game off of his list: Michael Jordan and Larry Bird. If you are the opposing team, you definitely don’t want the ball in their hands with seconds left.

Personally, we don’t follow sports like we used to. We do check how our favorite teams are doing from time to time, but we never watch games anymore. We read a lot instead. We’ve also grown partial to rugby, which we tried watching because we missed sports.
We missed sports, and gave it a…’try’…LOL…and find it superior to American football, which actually developed out of…rugby. They play both ways (offense and defense) and the action seldom stops.
That is a lot of ellipsis…ellipses…periods.
So far, we’ve just watched national teams play full 15 on 15 games, except for one 7 on 7 game which we found ridiculous. The USA team is currently ranked 18th in the world.
The sheer amount of teamwork surpasses anything we’ve seen in the NBA, NFL or MLB. Our one gripe is everyone ‘hook kicking’. Most of the time, they would make those just lining up straight on, even at an angle (for conversion kicks, after a ‘try’ they line up down the field from where they enter the ‘in-goal area’, which makes the kicks a lot more difficult than an ‘extra point’ in football).
We also haven’t seen anything woke in rugby except for ONE ad running on the digital signs during one game from a few years ago.
Now back to the racist drug-addict commies.
The only thing the NBA (or NFL or MLB) players and owners want is your time and money. They do NOT care about you at all! So why care about them, and why feed that obviously left-wing behemoth?
The recent NBA Collective Bargaining Agreement (or CBA, not to be confused with the NBA’s old feeder system, the Continental Basketball Association, which Detroit Pistons legend Isiah Thomas killed off), now allows marijuana use by players. So if you still watch that sport, just know that every fucking player on that court is high.
We are not 420 friendly, we are 420 hostile.
We probably lost a few of you there, and that is okay. We have our reasons. Our philosophy is that if you are going through life high or drunk (or both), then you are living wrong.
It is still a drug, and we were right when we said that those pushing it to be legalized and accepted would ultimately push it on kids, which they ended up doing with so-called edibles.
The alt-far-left has proven that all they need is a foot in the door (see gay ‘marriage’) and pretty soon they are chopping off dicks and tits, and pumping ‘the drugs’ into our kids.

But that is a future article, and this one is about the most fragile men in the NBA. This current crop is incredibly soft (just like a MyPillow, or their Giza Dreams sheets; use promo code RealityShed or Reality Shed for a nice discount), and is likely the softest group to EVER play the game. Until then there was no such phrase as ‘load management’.
What should happen is paycheck management, as in if you don’t play you get paid less. Especially the bullshit Ben Simmons pulled. He is just one of several ‘Mr. Glass’ level players shamed, uhm, we mean named below.
Wow, this started off as such a simple writing idea. Zion and Dr. J. Oh well.
On Tuesday, June 6, 2023 (finally, this is the slightly older part…), Zion Williamson (aka ‘Mr. Glass’, like the villain character that the racist communist Samuel LEROY Jackson played in the super-hero trilogy [‘Unbreakable’ (2000), Split (2016), and Glass (2019)] by M. Night Shama Lama Ding Dong aka M. Night Shyamalan), announced he and his girlfriend were having a baby together.
Do you know what a child born out of wedlock is called? Illegitimate, or a bastard child. In fact, to promote promiscuity, the left now insists that that last term is offensive now. The bastards!
This is another example of the left changing our language to change society in the direction of their communism.
This is also similar to, what do you call someone who can speak a language but can’t read and write it? Illiterate. Equally true, although most people don’t feign offense at that.
Preparing for this, we saw a meme that started off with “The Zion Williamson Fanbase Is Dying”. Not entirely true, he is actually eating them off.
Anyway, porn star Moriah Mills followed Zion’s announcement with one of her own. She says that they have been having sex since 2021, and that he has promised to dump his girlfriend and be with Moriah. Mills even claimed that…gasp…she might also be pregnant.
Who cares, right? We only mention their ‘drama’ to point out that Zion’s many injuries haven’t prevented him from being a male slut.
His punishment for his actions (whoring and missing games) was…a 5-year rookie max extension worth at least $193 million, and possibly up to $231 million if he achieves certain incentives.
Zion has spent 4 seasons in the NBA, all with the New Orleans Pelicans. Entering the league in 2019-20 at 19 years of age. He has never played 82 regular season games in any season. He missed his entire 3rd season in 2021-22 with a foot injury. He has averaged 38.0 games a year (114 / 3) or 0.46342 of the games his team played. Pathetic!

He isn’t alone though, and since we haven’t used this analogy in a few days, here is the rest of our NBA Fab Four of slack:
Kawhi Leonard has spent 12 seasons in the NBA, entering the league in 2011-12 at 20 years old: 7 seasons with the San Antonio Spurs, 407 games (the last season there he played just 9 games), one season with the Toronto Raptors 60 games, and 4 seasons with the Los Angeles Clippers (although he missed the entire 2021-22 season with an ACL injury). He has never played 82 regular season games in any season. He has averaged 57.091 games a year (628 / 11) or 0.6962 of the games his team played. Very not good!
Anthony Davis has spent 11 seasons in the NBA, entering the league in 2012-13 at 19 years old: 7 seasons with the New Orleans Hornets / Pelicans and 466 games played, and 4 seasons with the Los Angeles Lakers and 194 games played. He has never played 82 regular season games in any season. He has averaged 60.0 (660 / 11) or 0.732 of the games his team played. Fragile!
Ben Simmons has spent 7 seasons in the NBA, entering the league in 2016-17 at 20 years old. His first 5.5 seasons were spent with the Philadelphia 76ers, but he missed his entire first season with a foot injury, and also his last half season there claiming mental health issues, for 275 games played. He was then traded to the Brooklyn Nets and didn’t play his first half season there (claiming a back injury), before playing 42 games last season. He has never played 82 regular season games in any season (he just missed it in his second season, when he played 81). He has averaged 63.40 (317 / 5 played out of 7 in the league), or 0.7732 of the games his team played. Weak sauce!
Ben also thinks he is being paid to play “defense-ball” instead of basketball. Scoring is implied in the name of the game, dude!
And what of the fans who pay to attend these games thinking star players will be there and discover they overpaid for an incomplete product? Fraud!

We had already picked the antithesis of the current crop of players before seeing Dr. J’s actual list. And that player was…Wilt Chamberlain.
Unfair comparison? Hey, each of these guys all think they are the best player ever, so we will compare them to ONE of the best players ever. Or as piece of shit JJ Redick claimed, a guy who played against “firemen and plumbers”.
Wilt entered the NBA in the 1959-60 season at the age of 23. This was after 3 years of college and one year with the Harlem Globetrotters. Why? Back then, the NBA was sensical enough to not hire children. You couldn’t be drafted unless your college class had graduated, hence Wilt’s Globetrotters year.
He is listed as being active for 15 seasons, but he sat out his last season, 1973-74, in a contract dispute (see below).

His first 5.5 seasons were spent with the Philadelphia / San Francisco Warriors (they moved to SF before his 4th season). He was then traded to the new Philadelphia 76ers (the relocated and renamed Syracuse Nationals) in the middle of the season and remained there for 3.5 seasons.
He then spent the next 5 seasons with the Los Angeles Lakers, and when he didn’t sign his option year contract they insisted he was still required to play for them, but he had already signed with the ABA (American Basketball Association) San Diego Conquistadors as head coach and player for 2 seasons. A judge later ruled that he could coach but not play, siding with the Lakers.
Wilt ‘coached’ one season (with assistant Stan Albeck, who had also been an interim head coach before and would be a head coach again, actually doing most of the coaching, as it bored Chamberlain), then he retired.

This one really got away from us. Home stretch now though.
The number of games varied back then. It was 75 for the first season, 79 for the second, 80 each of the next 5 seasons, then 81 for one, and finally the current 82 for his last 6 seasons. That totals 1127 possible games his team played.
Wilt played 1045 regular season games (or .927241%) over 14 seasons for 74.643 games per season when the average played over those seasons was exactly 80.5 games.
He missed games in 5 seasons (3, 7, 1, 1 and 70). In his 11th season (1969-70) he played the first 9 games, rupturing his patellar tendon of his right knee in that last game, then came back for the last 3 games of the season AND the playoffs! They lost in the Finals in 7 games to the New York Knicks.

Over his career, Wilt averaged 30.1 points per game, including averaging 50.4 and 44.8 in back-to-back seasons, and including 7 other seasons over 30 points per game and 5 other seasons over 20 points per game. His last two seasons were his worst (14.8 and then 13.2).
He also averaged 22.9 rebounds per game over his career, 45.8 minutes per game (out of 48!), 4.4 assists and just 2.0 fouls per game (he never fouled out of a game). AND he claims to have slept with over 20,000 women, yet had no children (and thus no ‘baby-mommas’).

His one weakness was caused by embarrassment. He could only shoot free throws accurately underhanded, like Rick Barry (89.3% career) did. He stopped doing that and fell into Shaq territory afterwards.
One coach suggested shooting them as jump shots, which is allowed, but he felt that would only call even more attention to his deficiency, and he ended his career at 51.1% FT made (he was 28 of 32 on FT in his 100 point game).

Wilt was also a Republican who denounced black nationalists, including the Black Panthers, and he even attended MLK Jr’s funeral with Richard Nixon, who he supported for President in 1968 and 1972.
Lastly, in Wilt’s last season, at 36, he set a FG% record (.727) that stood from 1972-73 until 2019-20, and is still #2 all-time for a single season. He actually still holds 3 spots in the top 23 for that category.

This could be done with any number of good quality players, not just with Wilt. The entire point is that modern guys can play, they just can’t stay on the court BUT they want to be paid as if they did.
They just don’t make them like they used to! The NBA is now a league of soft racist (that is what BLM is) potheads pushing cultural marxism.

EDIT: 08/18/2023, We don’t normally come back to add to an article, but we just discovered this short video and wish we had seen it before publishing so it could have been added to the article then.
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