
Even Lizzo Hates Popovich, Super Fat Pseudo ‘star’ Insists Her Career Doesn’t Revolve Around White People Like Gregg



"Gregg Popovich Hired Private Investigator To Follow Spurs Player", by unknown, from NBA via itsgame7.com, edit and red and white words of truth by us. Also, fuck AT&T too, as they owned CNN for 5 years (which the coward John Nolte NEVER acknowledged) and allowed attacks on MAGA and Trump daily.
Spread the reality, RealityShed.Com --

As we’ve said before, we are racist…against communists, and both Gregg Popovich and ‘Lizzo’ (actual name Melissa Viviane Jefferson) qualify. “Hate them, wouldn’t want to date them.”

“Hate him, wouldn’t wanna date him”, from The X-Files, by Fox Network, season 3 episode 13 ‘Syzygy’. Featuring Lisa Robin Kelly, who is best known as Laurie Forman from “That ’70s Show”.

This enormous untalented and unattractive communist thing ‘Lizzo’ gets lots of attention from the alt-far-left-communist-democRAT MSM, as they push her down our throats. Now she is doing the new ‘thing’ the left does by telling us she doesn’t perform for us after we ignored her first. According to the ‘Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home’ whale-speak translator, she said:

“That is probably the biggest criticism I’ve received, and it is such a critical conversation when it comes to black artists. When black people see a lot of white people in the audience, they think, Well this isn’t for me, this is for them. The thing is, when a black artist reaches a certain level of popularity, it’s going to be a predominantly White crowd.”

The people who can afford the time AND money to be ‘untertained’ (the opposite of entertained) will sometimes waste it, yes.

“This has happened to so many black artists: Diana Ross, Whitney, Beyoncé.… Rap artists now, those audiences are overwhelmingly white. I am not making music for White people. I am a black woman, I am making music from my black experience, for me to heal myself [MISSING THOUGHT, WE WON’T GUESS] the experience we call life.”, she continued.

“Idk why I like lizzo memes”, by icy_wallow, via reddit.com. Even clothed…YUCK! And for the record…Iman (who would have made the perfect Storm for X-Men) or Halle Berry (who was Storm in X-Men) = very NOT yuck.

And we upper-cased the ‘White’ and lower-cased the ‘black’ in her quotes, because it was racist of them to do it the other way (which ‘urinalists‘ and democRATs ALWAYS do…like HERE, HERE and HERE). Fuckers!

“People have been calling me fat my entire life. And if one person says it, then another person says it, it multiplies like a fucking virus. If enough people on the internet start echoing sentiments about you, it becomes part of your public persona and it’s out of your control.”, she said between bites.

Nope, just don’t eat so much and try to exercise. Blaming others is ridiculous when you hold the fork.

On twerking while playing President James Madison’s crystal flute, she said, “I don’t want to leave history in the hands of people who uphold oppression and racism. My job as someone who has a platform is to reshape history.”

Please, bitch, you can’t even reshape yourself! Although blob IS a shape…technically.

Got it, she hates White people and loves food and communism. NEXT!

‘Vegan’ by unknown, found online. ‘Lizzo’ be like…

As for Gregg, President AND head coach of the NBA San Antonio Spurs, well he never attacks actual evil (ANTIFA, communist China, democRATs, Steve Kerr) but loves to attack Make America Great Again (MAGA) when it is in the name fuckface (the reasoning people like him use for ANTIFA), and President Trump, and now Columbus, about whom he said:

“Columbus? He initiated a new-world genocide, that’s what he did. Beginning with him, and what he said would follow, the annihilation of every indigenous person in Hispaniola, which was Haiti and the Dominican Republic today.”

So now people are responsible for what OTHERS who come AFTER THEM do…

“He took slaves, he mutilated, he murdered, and we’re going to say ‘slash’ and honor him?… It’s Columbus Day, that’s why they [government schools] are off on Monday? Maybe there’s something I’m missing and I’m ignorant…”

YES! At last, he finally admits it! Oh, wait…

“…but it makes me feel like they’re living in a phone booth, and they’re educating our kids. Columbus Day, and we’re going to honor that?”

That would be YOUR fellow communists indoctrinating the kids, Gregg. NO teaching allowed now!

‘The Hypocrite party’ by unknown, found online. Gregg Popovich be like…

Columbus discovered new territory after sailing across the Atlantic ocean (and back) without GPS. You coach basketball, and do very well when you have Hall of Fame caliber players, you commie fuck. Also, you were not there and don’t know what he did or didn’t do. We were not at Spurs practice the other day but we heard a rumor you raped someone and it might have been a kid. ‘Rules For Radicals‘ right back at you, Gregg.

Who doesn’t Gregg hate? The communist Chinese and their YUGE market for NBA basketball and the money that gets thrown at the league by those who enslave their own people AND harvest organs from living citizens AND send viruses to the West (SARS, H1N1 Swine Flu, Covid, to name just three) AND more.

He also doesn’t speak out against the mutilation and sterilization OR the grooming of American children, or the illegal aliens flooding into the USA. But ‘Orange Man bad’ and America is not worth making great again, in Gregg’s communist view.

‘Racist democRAT party’, by unknown, found online. ‘Lizzo’ and Gregg and ALL democRATs be like…

Another rumor has it that ‘Lizzo’ and Gregg met up recently at a CLM (Communist Lies Matter) event, where she ate both her food and his, and then she blew his flute. Oh my! Now excuse us while we go take a bath in bleach to get the stench of them both off of us. NEXT!

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