As we’ve said before, we are racist…against communists, and both Gregg Popovich and ‘Lizzo’ (actual name Melissa Viviane Jefferson) qualify. “Hate them, wouldn’t want to date...
We believe in redemption, and in giving people a chance. We also remember the words of President Ronald Reagan*, seen above. Leaving a political party does...
Everything leftists accuse us of is always true about them, especially if they just made the claim because it means they are covering for a recent...
Only the intellectually dishonest stake a claim to one opinion, then switch to its opposite only to later change back and start the cycle again, over...
We would normally be sympathetic to a parent (even a democRAT) losing a child, but in this case, Sean Casten (IL 6th, D is for Damned)...
The National Basketball Association, a communist Chinese front group, took another hit when Draymond Green (of the Golden State Warriors) spoke out strongly against himself and...
We had no plans on making this a continuing series when we wrote THIS about speech and bathroom usage control by the alt-far-left, but now we...
We already detailed democRATs pushing through the recent hiring of 87,000 new IRS agents HERE, as well as Barack Obama buying plenty of ammunition and guns...
It was HIS turn, damn you! In 2016, you were supposed to vote to continue the Bush dynasty. And now, as part of helping Usurper in...
Not that we really need it, but once again, the alt-far-left are proving how unhinged they are and three of them decided to go off within...