"COMMUNISM ACCORDING TO COLLEGE STUDENTS: COMMUNISM ACCORDING TO HISTORY:", by managing_brazil_v16, via br.ifunny.co. They make it sound so pleasant.
Spread the reality, RealityShed.Com --
As you may have already guessed from the headline, we will NOT be participating in the re-branding of Twitter into ‘X’ (which is what Elon’s payment system that merged with ‘Confinity’ into ‘PayPal’ was originally called…).
We also will never support Ukraine OR Russia, as they are the #4 and #7 most corrupt countries on Earth, and deciding between them is one of the typical false choices the globalist left present to us.
As we have said before, and contrary to decades of lies, the only difference between a Nazi (aka a National Socialist) and a Communist (aka a Global Socialist) is the scope of their totalitarianism (local or long distance). Both of those groups are on the left, as there are NO socialists on the Right!
And those are both different from a ‘nationalist’ who simply loves their own country above all others, with race not factoring into that AT ALL! And frak you white/brown/black/yellow/red communists for claiming that it does.
The best outcome for Planet Earth is a large hole where Ukraine AND Russia used to be, preferably while communist China’s Xi and Iran’s Ali Hosseini Khamenei are visiting Moscow at the same time that democRATs, RINOs and ‘European Union’ (EU) [SIC] globalists are visiting Kiev.
While we don’t endorse everything that Elon Musk says or does, Musk has improved things on TWITTER since buying it from secret muslim [see behavior pattern and beard] @Jack(ass) Dorsey and the other prior totalitarian owners.
TWITTER was a complete leftist hellhole under @Jack(ass) though, so that wasn’t hard to change, since all you really had to do was simply not be Dorsey.
Musk also doesn’t deserve grief for trying to save his daughter from ‘the trans’, which upsets the left greatly: “Elon Musk explains how ‘woke virus’ infecting his trans daughter led to Twitter purchase” on ‘r/NewsOfTheStupid’. But that doesn’t stop the left from dishing it out.
Sure, alt-far-leftists still spread their hate on TWITTER, just as they do everywhere they go. And one place they seem to virtually totally control is a special slice of communism known as ‘reddit’.
There is basically no such thing as free speech on that platform, unless you are anti-MAGA, anti-Trump, anti-White, anti-science (as in real science), anti-woman (as in real woman) and/or anti-American (as in them, NOT us).
You basically need to be at least one of those things (and preferably all) to post freely there, otherwise comments get taken down and people get banned from a ‘sub-reddit’ (or 3 and counting…and we didn’t even curse).
All roads today lead to Ukraine, and Western ‘democRATic'[SIC] leftists act as though only Ukraine has children and women dying. Meanwhile, they launder money, develop biological weapons (aka covid) and throw adult male Ukrainian lives at Russia, all in an attempt to wipe it (and the USA) off of the map.
Russia isn’t faultless, and Putin is known to have people he views as a threat (variably) clipped, smoked, whacked or snuffed. So many people there vanish as a garbage truck goes by them that it feels like the ending of Sergio Leone’s ‘Once Upon a Time in America’ (1984) being played on a loop.
And don’t even get us started on the plethora of folks who seem to find their way out of windows in tall buildings there.
So, the other day, the alt-far-left, including Reddit, decided to sky-scream in unison about Elon Musk, and particularly about his decision A YEAR AGO (per a new book) to not enable the EU/Washington Deep State/Ukraine war-machine.
For those unfamiliar with reddit, congratulations! One of us originally joined a few years ago and lasted a hot minute before deleting the account. Another joined recently, which led to this article.
Here are a few of those sky-screams, some with commentary at the end (‘r/’ beginning is the name of a sub-reddit, and ‘u/’ beginning indicates a reddit user name):
“Elon Musk ‘committed evil’ with Starlink order, says Ukrainian official – Ukrainian presidential adviser says deaths of civilians ‘the price of a cocktail of ignorance and big ego’” on ‘r/worldnews2’.
“Ukraine rips Elon Musk for disrupting sneak attack on Russian fleet with Starlink cutoff” on ‘r/worldnews’.
“Elon Musk cut the internet to Ukraine’s military as it was attacking Russian fleet! Elon Musk has committed literal Treason per the constitution against the USA and it’s ally Ukraine. Elon Musk the souls of those you betrayed shall haunt. You WILL be humbled to core. For USA & Slava Ukrai. 🇺🇸 🇺🇦” on ‘r/EnoughMuskSpam’.
“Elon Musk admits preventing Ukrainian attack on Russia by refusing access to Starlink ‘to avoid being complicit in a major act of war’ – but furious Kyiv says his ‘big ego’ led to civilians being killed” on ‘r/BreakingNews24hr’.
“CNN: Elon Musk secretly shut down Starlink access off the coast of Crimea last year to thwart Ukraine’s underwater USV attack on the Russian Navy. The USVs, filled with explosives, had already approached the Russian fleet, but suddenly “lost contact and harmlessly washed ashore.”” on ‘r/DemocraticDiscussions’ AND on ‘r/UkrainianConflict’.
“Musk, Starlink and hypocrisy: Elon’s “Benedict Arnold” moment shows US can’t have it both ways” on ‘r/usa’.
“[#452|+756|269] Elon Musk Secretly Manipulated Starlink to Hamstring Ukrainian Attack Against Russia [r/wallstreetbets]” on ‘r/longtail’.
“Elon Musk allowed the destruction of Ukrainian citizens, electrical infrastructure and homes.” on ‘r/UkraineConflict’. Actually, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who canceled elections and banned religious services, is responsible for that as well.
“Привет, Привіт, and Hello! Earlier today, I’ve got word of some newly-revealed treachery: last year, Elon Musk “secretly ordered his engineers” to turn off the Starlink communications system to prevent Ukraine from attacking the Russian fleet in Crimea. I think you’ll agree that this is a disgrace.” on ‘r/Krym_Russia’. That is, in Cyrillic, ‘hello’ in Russian, Ukrainian and…duh…English (in English), at the beginning.
Some were even calling for Elon to be punished for his decision:
“What, if any, consequences should Elon Musk and his companies face for interfering with the Ukrainian Army’s plans with his Starlink network?” on ‘r/AskReddit’.
“Something needs to be done with Elon Musk. Where are the FBI, CIA, DOJ, Congress and Supreme Court? He is acting on behalf of the People’s Republic of China and Russian Federation.” on ‘r/ADVChina’.
“CNN’s Tapper Demands Elon Musk Face ‘Repercussions’ For Denying Starlink to Ukraine For Attack Operation” on ‘r/FightingFakeNews’.
“Should the Logan Act be enacted against Elon Musk?” on ‘r/law’, AND ” Lock Elon Musk up for violating the Logan Act” on ‘r/WhitePeopleTwitter’.
From Michael Scott’s favorite source of information…”The Logan Act is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government’s position.” –wikipedia.org.
So, actually, The Logan Act (TLA) should be enacted against BIDEN since Joe wasn’t actually elected and in fact stole office (no, he wasn’t, and yes, he did…with help).
“The U.S. Government Can’t Allow Elon Musk the Power to Intervene in Wars | The billionaire’s interference in Ukrainian military operations shows he’s a national security risk. No private citizen should have that much power.” on r/TheMajorityReport.
“What the Hell is Wrong with Elon Musk?” on ‘r/PoliticalMemes’ where one user even said “This man, is it [SIC] national security threat and needs to be dealt with”, indicating violence.
Whose national security is at risk? Certainly not that of the United States. No, that is ‘being taken care of’ (as in being ignored by) democRATs and RINOs. We have no borders…now.
The left wasn’t done, however, and the lunatic fringe over on ‘r/conservativeterrorism’ bleated “Elon Musk is a National Security Threat. | He has now disrupted a Ukrainian attack on Russian fleet.”
Elon’s own father is now very concerned that his son will now be assassinated over this.
Musk did not interfere with Ukraine’s military communications, he simply didn’t help them commit war.
He created and owns Starlink, and it is his to do with what he wants (as long as he isn’t a ‘Bond villain’ with it).
Then the circle jerks of leftist losers brought out the big guns…ad-hominem attacks:
“Elon Musk is openly racist, transphobic and antisemitic – NASA and the DoD needs to stop doing ANY business with him” on ‘r/WhitePeopleTwitter’. That subreddit is total communist scum, and their name itself is racist (since they despise white people).
“Elon Musk blaming Jews for Antisemitism because Jews are “Woke”. FFS.” on ‘r/WhitePeopleTwitter’. Elon is correct. They invented it and use it to attack those that they despise. They claim there is a rise in ‘antisemitism’, but what is really going on is that folks simply don’t want to live in a totalitarian anti-science world, which is what the combined left (including leftist Jewish people) are pushing for (see ‘the trans’, magical cloth and ‘vaxx’ being called vaccines as just some of the proof).
Even the Liber(al)tarians are getting into the act, with “Ukraine rips Elon Musk for disrupting sneak attack on Russian fleet with Starlink cutoff. Example of why centralized private power is always the biggest threat to mankind.” on ‘r/LibertarianUncensored’. Pick a side already! Standing in the middle of the road just gets you run over.
There are also those that think the world revolves around them, and that you are there to fulfill their every need (a bit like a slave):
“And then Elon Musk said there’ll be no more war – not via his satellite. Aren’t we lucky to have the world in his hands? | Marina Hyde” on ‘r/UkrainianConflict’. Build your own satellite system, smeghead. And why are you so pro-war?! Is it because Russians are white? Of course it is!
“Whatever the fuss over Elon Musk, Starlink is utterly essential in Ukraine” on ‘r/anime_titties’.
The left insist that Starlink is a “lifeline” for Ukraine. Tough titties. We like free stuff too, but that doesn’t mean you are entitled to it. Especially when you are using it to blow up ships and kill people.
Also, please note that NOBODY is calling for Musk to allow the use of Starlink to defend against the southern U.S. border invasion.
Some headlines actually claimed that Musk “secretly used Starlink to foil an attack on Russia”, or “sabotaged the Ukraine attack on Russia”, or “withheld satellite service to thwart Ukraine attack on Russia” are inaccurate.
Globalists are simply upset Musk didn’t AID the attack, which is what they expected him to do (just as they have done). It is important to point out that there is also NO evidence that Elon has aided any Russian attacks on Ukraine. So there!
But Elon did have a valid fear that Russia would respond by escalating, including nuclear weapons: “Musk told SpaceX engineers to cut off Ukrainian submarine drones’ access to Starlink satellites as the Ukrainians prepared a sneak attack on Crimea last year, per new Musk biography by Walter Isaacson. Musk feared a Russian retaliation via nukes.” on ‘r/LessCredibleDefence’.
“Musk, Starlink and hypocrisy: Elon’s “Benedict Arnold” moment shows US can’t have it both ways” on ‘r/AntiTrumpAlliance’.
Yet while persisting with claims that he was “protecting and defending” Russia, there were some voices of common sense as well though, which will likely be stomped out now, including:
“Elon Musk clarifies that the Starlink ToS clearly state the service can only be used for defensive purposes – explains why the request to enable offensive use was rejected” on ‘r/WhenIsConflictJust’.
“The Left is now calling Elon Musk “pro-Russian” for not wanting to use Starlink as a weapon of war.” on ‘r/ThingsSushiSees’.
“How is Elon Musk a “traitor” or “security threat” over the Starlink thing when America isn’t at war with Russia and he isn’t Ukranian?” on ‘r/NoStupidQuestions’. In fact, he is (south)African-American.
‘u/axidava’ on ‘r/axidava’ rightly points out that “Elon Musk can do whatever he wants with Starlink. It’s his damn company.” And we will add that any leftist disagreeing is promoting actual fascism, because that is what it would be if the government dictated what he could do.
If Ukraine (or any other country) wants to use drones (air, or, as in this case, underwater) to attack another country, then they just need to develop satellites and connectivity to accomplish that. Simple!
Musk is now also threatening to sue the Defamation League (or DL, formerly known as the Anti-Defamation League, or ADL), which is a group of demons who go around denying the free speech of others while accusing them of ADL’s own various crimes…so basically they are democRATs.
The DL and their tag-team partners the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center [SIC]) can join that Ukraine/Russia hole too.
According to Musk, the DL has contacted many TWITTER advertisers and lied to them about him and his companies, including accusations of being “antisemitic”[SIC], which ended up costing TWITTER business. Elon says he intends to sue them for $22 BILLION in lost value.
But that number only includes damage done to…you know it is coming…TWITTER, and leaves off collateral damage done to Musk’s other business interests (SpaceTWITTER aka SpaceX, DrillingTWITTER aka The Boring Company, DrivingTWITTER aka Tesla, and at least 5 more per thomasnet.com list…the dude owns a lot of stuff).
Remembering that in the USA you can sue someone for any amount at any time for any reason, although that doesn’t mean you are right or will win, we strongly encourage the guy with the extremely deep pockets to pull the same lawfare crap on the left that they are doing to us.
Lastly, Elon just announced that he would be rebranding the practice he had been falsely accused of as ‘antisemitiX’, so be on the look out for that.
Parler is likely gone for good as of April 14, 2023. Twitter account abandoned May 12, 2023, after Elon Musk hired WEF’er Linda Yaccarino as new CEO.
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