'A Different Kind of Meditation', by unknown, via cheezburger.com, using 'Black Widow' from the Marvel (Disney) movies. We all know that leftists love killing (mostly babies, but they do branch out from time to time).
Spread the reality, RealityShed.Com --
The alt-far-left-communist-democRATs have been trying to ‘bring him down’ since before Donald Trump was technically up. He rode down the golden escalator at Trump Tower in New York City on June 16, 2015, and, 2 days after his 70th birthday no less, announced that he was running for President of the United States of America.
The attacks began during the announcement, and never stopped. As of 2 days ago, they included false charges, fake prosecutions, home invasions, election theft committed against him and the people of the United States, and even attacks on many of his supporters. But until yesterday, a certain line hadn’t been crossed.
‘missed’, by Devin Dickerson (devin.dickerson.963) at facebook.com. Hillary is their best ‘wet work’ strategist.
No sooner had the July 13, 2024, rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, begun than, at about the 5-minute mark, what sounded like gunshots rang out…probably because that is exactly what they were, despite TV talking heads doing their best to say they were fireworks.
Eyewitnesses said they heard between 6 and 10 total shots, and now we know it was Thomas Matthew Crooks (at age 20 a grown man despite the lamestream media already attempting to call him a child), taking a few shots at Trump, hitting him on the right side of his head by his ear, as well as hitting and killing at least one person behind Trump, but then also government snipers killing the attempted assassin as he lay on a building rooftop to Trump’s right.
‘Trump Gets Assassinated! – Who’s President Now?’, by unknown using ‘Donald Trump Kissing’ meme, from makeameme.org. And the answer is, technically, the traitor Mike Pence, since Trump/Pence won the 2020 election before having it stolen from them…partially through the actions of Pence. RINOs lead complicated lives.
For their next trick, the leftstream urinalists will attempt to say that Crooks was one of us, a genuine MAGA (Make America Great Again; which is like silver to a werewolf or a cross to a vampire or Kryptonite to Superman, where leftists are concerned) through and through. Don’t fall for any of it.
Trump survived, and it is a good thing that he did as he has unfinished business. As do we, and they hate us almost as much as they despise Trump, and want us just as dead. Believe it!
Hey! If we’ve given you a giggle, or you’ve learned something you didn’t know, or you just want some cool talking points that you can use to torment that jackhole relative who ‘refuses to discuss politics’ but then leaves your TV on CNN when they depart, please consider donating. As much as we would like to say that the site pays for itself via ad money, the truth is that most of you block ads. And we understand! But getting 0.000582192 cents per view isn’t cutting it, and although we won’t beg, we will strongly encourage you to use the methods (Buy Me A Coffee, and/or Donorbox, currently) found all over the site. We would honestly like nothing better than to spend each day creating new content for you, so won’t you please help make our dream of perpetually sitting and typing become a reality? Thank you. –MG
Series of 4 from fallout.fandom.com, by The Mechanical Menace (#1, 3 and 4; the blue ones), and The Appalachian (#2; the white one), using ‘Gru explains’ meme. “Here’s an educational meme, from a series I’ve started that I like to call, “How not to kill a U.S president, with Gru.””–from first one.
After the 2020 election theft, Usurper-in-thief Joe Biden has done his best to damage our Republic. And thank God it is a Republic, because look at the complete mess that true minority party governments create. There is a long list, which will soon include, among other places, the recent elections in the United Kingdom (UK), aka Merely-Adequate Britain.
Or is it ‘Nearly-Adequate’…? It doesn’t really matter, it simply isn’t ‘Great’ anymore.
Series of 4 from fallout.fandom.com, by The Mechanical Menace (#1, 3 and 4; the blue ones), and The Appalachian (#2; the white one), using ‘Gru explains’ meme. “Here’s an educational meme, from a series I’ve started that I like to call, “How not to kill a U.S president, with Gru.””–from first one.
In the UK just under 60% of the people voted, which is 40% less than 100% for those who practice comm(unist)on core ‘math’, and with just 33.7% of the total votes cast, the Labour Party will now control 411 of the 650 seats in the House of Commons (or 63.231%) and the Prime Ministership.
THAT is a ‘democracy'[SIC], and no fucking thank you!
Series of 4 from fallout.fandom.com, by The Mechanical Menace (#1, 3 and 4; the blue ones), and The Appalachian (#2; the white one), using ‘Gru explains’ meme. “Here’s an educational meme, from a series I’ve started that I like to call, “How not to kill a U.S president, with Gru.””–from first one.
A one-third party controlling two-thirds of the government makes ZERO sense. In fact, it is quite an insane concept.
What makes less sense than that though, is those who have been calling Biden ‘president’ for the last 4 years. He is ‘resident’ at best. You do NOT steal the U.S. Presidency, you win it. He did NOT win it. democRATs invented brand-new ways of voting and used the communist-Chinese COVID virus to justify using them.
Series of 4 from fallout.fandom.com, by The Mechanical Menace (#1, 3 and 4; the blue ones), and The Appalachian (#2; the white one), using ‘Gru explains’ meme. “Here’s an educational meme, from a series I’ve started that I like to call, “How not to kill a U.S president, with Gru.””–from first one.
And what makes even less sense than that, is allowing the left to get away with attempting to kill Donald Trump.
To be VERY clear, we aren’t calling for violence! We are, however, accepting of the fact that the violence the left have long deserved is getting closer to becoming a reality for them.
‘Repercussions’, by us, using ‘assassination chain meme template’ from imgflip.com, with watermark via PicFont.com. Actions have consequences. Fuck around and find out.
We have suffered loss recently, and may again soon. That kept us from writing, but even before the events of yesterday, we were preparing to return. The site was renewed, and the country still needs saving, so…see you there!
‘Raylan vs Boon – Scene | Justified | FX’, “Raylan and Boon face off for one final showdown.” — ‘Justified’ (2010-2015) is an excellent show, and highly recommended. Boon was a character introduced with just 5 episodes left in the 6 year, 78 episode run. With his 5-man mercenary team wiped out, season 6 villain Avery Markham (Sam Elliott), a marijuana kingpin with his sites set on Harlan County, hires psychopathic marksman Boon (Jonathan Tucker), who in turn decides to make things personal with Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens (Timothy Olyphant), resulting in a climactic gunfight on a stretch of highway just as Raylan attempted to take a criminal and her stolen millions back to Lexington. Leftists are like Boon, and MAGA is like Raylan.
Parler is likely gone for good as of April 14, 2023. Twitter account abandoned May 12, 2023, after Elon Musk hired WEF’er Linda Yaccarino as new CEO.
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