democRATs used to always say “children are the future” and also “if it saves just one life” when trying to justify various leftist policies. They also...
“I believe the children are our futureTeach them well and let them lead the way.Show them all the beauty they possess insideGive them a sense of...
It isn’t called the ‘left-coast’ for no reason. California is basically northern Mexico with a splash of communist China added in, and Oregon is the home...
The left does nothing by accident. Everything is part of some bigger plan (communists in the Soviet Union were famous for their never-ending stream of ‘five-year...
Someone with either a very good memory, or a strange fetish for watching a children’s TV show that ran from 1968 to 2001…don’t ask, don’t tell…recently...
Our standard disclaimer: we don’t support Russia OR Ukraine, because we aren’t gullible sheep that MSM, democRATs and RINOs can manipulate and trick. As proof, we’ve...
We want to be VERY clear here, we are NOT accusing James Gunn of being a pedophile. We are quoting his own admissions of being a...
Some call it brainwashing*. We prefer the term gaslighting, which is to make someone question their own reality, and “is a form of psychological manipulation in...
Only the intellectually dishonest stake a claim to one opinion, then switch to its opposite only to later change back and start the cycle again, over...
Like everything else the alt-far-left does they claim WE are doing it and call their own actions the opposite of what they truly are. They are...