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Politics2 years ago

Ectoplasm Obsessed Alt-Far-Left, democRATs Have Now Gone From ‘Ghost Guns’ To ‘Ghost Voters’ To Just Plain Ghosts

Politics2 years ago

Senator Claims Amazing democRAT Powers, Says Hurricanes Wouldn’t Exist If Republicans Simply Let Left Have Their Way

Politics2 years ago

And So’s Your Mother, Leftists Accuse US Of Trying Coup After Theirs In 2020 AND Of Wanting Civil War They Push For

Tech2 years ago

THEY Think We Are Stupid, ZERO History Of Athlete Mass Death Or Cardiac Arrest Prior To covid Shots But Link Denied

Politics2 years ago

UK Cultural Suicide Accelerated, WEF Liz Truss Says Brits Are Too Stupid To Be Trained To Fill Job Shortages There

Politics2 years ago

Lighting $6.87 On Fire, How EVERY American Has Unknowingly Been Starting Each Day Since The Biden Usurpation Began

Politics2 years ago

Pedophile States of Amerika, democRATs Are Pushing Perversion To Levels Never Seen Before And Nobody Is Stopping It

Politics2 years ago

All Your Freedom Be Theirs, Alt-Far-Left Invents New Methods Of Control Over You Including Speech And Bathroom Usage

Politics2 years ago

Playing Catch-Up, Putin Threatens Nuclear War And Calls Up Troops While Trying To Close Gap With Clinton Body Count

Politics2 years ago

Must Stop Orange Man, democRATs Will Do Anything To Prevent Trump Regaining Power After Stolen Election Removed Him

Politics2 years ago

Signed Consent Forms, How Ron DeSantis Outwitted Alt-Far-Left Bogus Lawsuit For Exposing Their ‘Immigrant’ Hypocrisy

Politics2 years ago

Normalizing Violence Against MAGA, Globalist Left Use MSM To Encourage Their Voters To Terrorize Us Just Because

Entertainment2 years ago

NBA Sarver Rage, Millionaire Players And Billionaire Owners Attack Phoenix Suns Boss But Give Communist China A Pass




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