When a world famous physicist rushed to post groundbreaking pictures from the new James Webb Space Telescope of a distant planet, the first ever taken of...
The pandemic had begun and the panicked populace demanded a vaccine. But it wasn’t really a vaccine they received as it was designed to reduce the...
The BBC action-adventure show ‘Doctor Who’ has been around for almost 60 years. From the first episode, which aired November 23, 1963, with William Hartnell as...
Not content with just spying on your online purchases, way too big leftist megacorp Amazon (founded by Jeff Bezos, who still owns the DC ComPost sleezepaper,...
The DC Uni-Party (democRATs and RINOs…the In Name Only part of the Republican Party) have desperately tried to destroy Populist Conservatism (AKA the new PC) ever...
When checking the news I do have to visit the dark side occasionally to see what evil is lurking in the hearts of what passes for...
Okay the S isn’t really in the site name, but I’m not promoting those jackholes at all, so go find it at your own risk. As...
According to his weasel of a son-in-law Jared Kushner (who owns the 41-story office building at 666 Fifth Avenue in NYC…), former White House chief of...
Claiming reporters brought “pain, misery, and turmoil” to he and his family, Sean King just threatened New York Post journalists with doxxing. King asked his supporters...
The push is on as the EU approved mealworms (whole or powdered) for food there, and are even calling the bug foods “novel” (new) just as...