We personally haven’t been inside a Target store in years, nor have we ordered anything from them for delivery. They no longer exist in our world...
Other than resigning 7 months earlier and then not leaving office afterwards, RINO (Republican In Name Only) Senate Minority ‘Leader’ {sic} Mitch McConnell has basically followed...
First a confession of sorts. Last week we called this “Past Week In Our Memes (PWIOM)” because we intended to make up a different acronym for...
Some call it brainwashing*. We prefer the term gaslighting, which is to make someone question their own reality, and “is a form of psychological manipulation in...
We can hear you thinking, “what does that meme have to do with your article?”, and we will answer that shortly. As always, there is a...
On September 19, 2022, a date now seemingly lost to time, Usurper in Thief Joe Biden declared the covid pandemic over…but he kept all draconian so-called...
Yes, we do sometimes use strong language in articles, but we really try to keep the headlines clean (for search engine purposes). Also, the first paragraph,...
We don’t personally drink milk any more, although we won’t turn down a slice of pizza, and ‘special reserve extra sharp cheddar cheese’ is awesome. In...
We had no plans on making this a continuing series when we wrote THIS about speech and bathroom usage control by the alt-far-left, but now we...
It was HIS turn, damn you! In 2016, you were supposed to vote to continue the Bush dynasty. And now, as part of helping Usurper in...