When you promote yourself as something that you are not, it will ultimately be revealed. The trick for leftists (including fake Christians and RINOs; Republicans In...
Other than resigning 7 months earlier and then not leaving office afterwards, RINO (Republican In Name Only) Senate Minority ‘Leader’ {sic} Mitch McConnell has basically followed...
Yes, we went there. Of course, we had the balls…unlike that deer. To be clear right from the start, Ann Coulter has every right to speak...
Win or lose tonight, and we SHOULD win and they SHOULD lose, democRATs are already making wild accusations and setting the table for their 2024 disinformation...
It all started on February 26, 2012. A black 17-year-old male had gone out and returned home, but instead of doing what a normal human being...
We can hear you thinking, “what does that meme have to do with your article?”, and we will answer that shortly. As always, there is a...
The Alt-Far-Left are up to their same old tricks. They have to control the ‘narrative’ to keep us in line, and it happens everywhere now, as...
You are probably guilty of doing it, we used to do it too, and THAT is putting an ‘X’ through Christ by using the phrase “X-mas”...
He had just one job to do; follow the Constitution (a carefully written document) instead of what has become ‘tradition’. The alt-far-left’s argument is that the...
In a case involving American Samoans wanting clarification of their citizenship status based on several U.S. Supreme Court decisions from the past 100 years or so...