We would normally be sympathetic to a parent (even a democRAT) losing a child, but in this case, Sean Casten (IL 6th, D is for Damned)...
We had no plans on making this a continuing series when we wrote THIS about speech and bathroom usage control by the alt-far-left, but now we...
It was HIS turn, damn you! In 2016, you were supposed to vote to continue the Bush dynasty. And now, as part of helping Usurper in...
Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar (D is for Disinfect), who once famously berated a staffer for forgetting a plastic fork for Amy’s airport salad, then made the...
Imagine history as a continuous line of events, in which the order matters and key events are recorded so we can learn from them. Now return...
Immigration in the UK is no different than in any other Western civilization country (France, Germany, USA, Australia, etc): the left hates you and wants to...
Leftist ‘elites’ claim there is “global warming” or “climate change” but have to alter or otherwise corrupt data (like taking temperatures in a parking lot) to...
We are not doctors nor do we play them on TV, but that means we’ve never killed anyone with intentionally bad advice like Anthony Fauci and...
Like everything else the alt-far-left does they claim WE are doing it and call their own actions the opposite of what they truly are. They are...
democRATs and the MSM are so utterly terrified of the idea and are doing their absolute best gaslighting to dismiss it. Those who still cannot accept...